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CERBUNG - TAMAT Lembaran Baru

Karakter Tokoh Wanita Favorit Di Season 1?

  • Dias

  • Meta

  • Linda

  • Resty

  • ..... (Ms. X)

  • Rein

  • Ressa

  • Alexa

  • Amelia

  • Neta

Hasil hanya dapat dilihat setelah memilih.
Mantab inii ceritaaa... sangenya dapet. Bapernya dapet. Misterinya dapet . Banyak plot twist. Udah cocok dijadiin film kyknya ini huuu... ane abis baca cerita ini marathon dari awal ternyata ada cerita sekeren ini!!!!! Gak sabar nunggu lanjutannya huuu... semoga rein gk diapa2in sama komplotan kill bill next update #teamRein
Aduhhh huu...
Cakep dan menawan alurnya...
Yo di tunggu update 60. Rega kamu kuat

Baru tau cerita ini. Pembukanya bagus, ane bisa relate ke karakternya. SMP & SMA dulu ane 60% gitu juga gan, termasuk reunian ketemu temen-temen cewek yang dulunya ane anggep biasa aja (kita geng muka pas-pasan & quite unpopular dolo) sekarang bisa jadi semok-semok gitu


Bapernya nih hu
Rega cocok banget sama Alexa
Semoga aja akhirnya mereka bersatu lagi
Lanjutkan hu mantap ceritanya

Mantap hu ceritanya
Agak baper sih ane bacanya, ane berharap si Ega bisa bersatu sama Meta sih. Tapi di liat sih kayanya akan ada yg meninggal.
Semangat terus hu ditunggu update selanjutnya

Mantap kuyy

Masih nunggu Update nkh dari suhu. Kok udah mw tamat aja ye... Seru bgt. Sukses trus....

Selalu menanti karya u hu

Mantab inii ceritaaa... sangenya dapet. Bapernya dapet. Misterinya dapet . Banyak plot twist. Udah cocok dijadiin film kyknya ini huuu... ane abis baca cerita ini marathon dari awal ternyata ada cerita sekeren ini!!!!! Gak sabar nunggu lanjutannya huuu... semoga rein gk diapa2in sama komplotan kill bill next update #teamRein



Terutama yg bagi yg baru baca cerita ini,, sayang banget kalian datang di akhir chapter :D.. Semoga terhibur sampai akhir cerita nanti :beer:
Ga berani menebak apa-apa. Soalnya suhu yqng satu ini benar-benar master of twisted..

Wkwkwkwkwkwk.. Ini pujian atau kekesalan? :ngakak
Tebaklah Hu,.... Sudah banyak clue tersirat ataupun tersurat di update2 / season2 sebelumnya ttg akhir cerita :dance:,,
sekian lama gw tinggalin neh forum krn kesibukan real...kirain dah abis neh crita...ternyata msh blom juga...
buat penggemar suhu @Emox sabar ya...die mang kaya gitu suka memainkan perasaan orang...palagi perasaan cw2...(hehehehehe canda)

@Emox makasih untuk ceritanya....
maaf lahir batin...
Ane juga mau nebak ach
1. Rega nikahin Rein
2. Rega jadi pengusaha gantiin Danu
3. Dias jadi istri Danu

Namanya juga nebak sapa tau bener maaf ya suhu.

Rega :
Just give me a reason
To keep my heart beating
AL :
Don't worry, it's safe right here in my arms
Rein :

As the world falls apart around us
All we can do is hold on, hold on
Meta :

Take my hand
Dias :
And bring me back
Rega :

I'll risk everything if it's for you
A whisper into the night
Telling me it's not my time and don't give up
I've never stood up before this time
でも 譲れないもの
Rein :
So... stand up, stand up
Just gotta keep it
I wanna wake up, wake up
Just tell me how I can
Never give up
Rega :
Just tell me why baby
They might call me crazy
For saying I'll fight until there is no more
愁いを含んだ閃光 眼光は感覚的衝動
Blinded I can't see the end
So where do I begin
Meta :
Say not a word I can hear you
The silence between us
Dias :
I'll take this chance and I'll make it mine
ただ隠せないもの 飾ったように見せかけてる
Rein :
So stand up, stand up
Just gotta keep it
I wanna wake up, wake up
Just tell me how I can
Never give up
Rega :
Just give me a reason
To keep my heart beating
Don't worry, it's safe right here in my arms
So blinded I can't see the end

Look how far we've made it
The pain I can't escape it
So where do I begin
Rega :
握りしめた 失わぬようにと
Just tell me why baby
They might call me crazy
For saying I'll fight until there is no more
愁いを含んだ閃光 眼光は感覚的衝動
Blinded I can't see the end
Look how far we've made it
The pain I can't escape it

It finally begins

Cuma Iseng :Peace:
Terakhir diubah:

Rega :
Just give me a reason
To keep my heart beating
AL :
Don't worry, it's safe right here in my arms
Rein :

As the world falls apart around us
All we can do is hold on, hold on
Meta :

Take my hand
Dias :
And bring me back
Rega :

I'll risk everything if it's for you
A whisper into the night
Telling me it's not my time and don't give up
I've never stood up before this time
でも 譲れないもの
Rein :
So... stand up, stand up
Just gotta keep it
I wanna wake up, wake up
Just tell me how I can
Never give up
Rega :
Just tell me why baby
They might call me crazy
For saying I'll fight until there is no more
愁いを含んだ閃光 眼光は感覚的衝動
Blinded I can't see the end
So where do I begin
Meta :
Say not a word I can hear you
The silence between us
Dias :
I'll take this chance and I'll make it mine
ただ隠せないもの 飾ったように見せかけてる
Rein :
So stand up, stand up
Just gotta keep it
I wanna wake up, wake up
Just tell me how I can
Never give up
Rega :
Just give me a reason
To keep my heart beating
Don't worry, it's safe right here in my arms
So blinded I can't see the end

Look how far we've made it
The pain I can't escape it
So where do I begin
Rega :
握りしめた 失わぬようにと
Just tell me why baby
They might call me crazy
For saying I'll fight until there is no more
愁いを含んだ閃光 眼光は感覚的衝動
Blinded I can't see the end
Look how far we've made it
The pain I can't escape it

It finally begins

Cuma Iseng :Peace:
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