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CERBUNG Dea, Your Lewdly Neighborhood [Season 2]

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18th ada yg masih sma kok sis. Cerita lesbiannya Dea dan gurunya bagus banget sis, sampai 3 bagian lagi. Mungkin salah satu penggambaran lesbian yang terbagus yang ada di forum. Memang yang lebih bagus cerita tentang lesbian ya dari cewek sendiri.
Hello, men.

It's been a while since the latest update, therefore, I am bringing some news.

First, here's my 2 cent. As you guys easily noticed in this story, that i used simple-yet-light diction and vulgar words. As a means to help me get along pretty well with the main character, i feel like i needed to do so eventhough i didn't really liked being vulgar. I also happened to asked this to myself: is it really necessary for me to use vulgar words just to deepen connection with Dea and her corrupted mind? Well, the answer is, yes. It is necessary. First person of view is kind of straight-forward thought written down into words, so i think that a lewdly yet moral degrading mind should be as vulgar as she can, and i hope the choice of (in)appropriate words can help me to deliver it well. As for people who find themselves not comfortable with the vulgar words while reading this story, please bear with it, since the same thing happened with me, too.

Next, a small info. I decided to do an update three times a week. It means i can update at random time for three times, and after that, i will deliver the continuation of the story in next week, and so on. Things are pretty harsh in my life lately, and i'm still trying to do consistency—while my other purpose to write this story is to gather decent spank bank for my 'good time'. So, it is mutual.

Oh, it seems i forgot the last thing i wanted to share, since i am suddenly writing this out of my break. I will let you guys know when i remember it.

That's all. Have a nice day, fellas.
And thank you for your support and comments. It means a lot, really.
Hellow again
Thanks for informing your update recently.
Keep it up with your work, dude. We still waitin for your next story of Dea.

Also thank you for update three times in a row. I guess you already have the drafts aren't you? wkwkkwkw :pandaketawa: :pandaketawa:
Weh perhatian banget sist sampe mikirin kenyamanan pembaca.
Kalo menurut saya sih tulis aja cerita sesuai kemauan penulis, soalnya kalo nurutin kemauan pembaca ntar malah jadi kemana-mana. Boleh ambil masukan dari pembaca, tapi jangan semua dituruti wkwkw

Okay sist, gapapa, gak harus update tiap minggu, seadanya waktu luang aja, yang penting kalo mau libur setidaknya ngasih kabar wkw
Semoga urusannya diperlancar, biar Dea bisa lanjutin petualangannya 💦
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