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CERBUNG Dea, Your Lewdly Neighborhood [Season 2]

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Sis, do you play any games?
What kind of game would you pay to play to pass the time?
I do like RPG, both offline and online. So far i can remember, i played ID Ragnarok Online in Chaos server circa 2006 as my first online game. I was a bocil elementary school back then, playing with my cousins and their friends. After that, the list keeps going on. DotA and LoL are the first moba games I played. For the recent years, i'm currently playing Final Fantasy XIV.

As for offline game, i played Final Fantasy series on PS1 to 4, Pokemon series sometimes, Digimon World series, Star Ocean, Grandia, Valkyrie Profile, Dragon Age, Dragon Quest, i don't know, i can't recall the rest.
i just want to know why you use 'neighborhood' for the title when this story almost have zero 'neighborhood' aspect?
Kalau ngegame mending jangan game yang basicnya gacha kak, walaupun skrng game online kalau g gacha g jago, end up nya cuma bakalan nyesel
i just want to know why you use 'neighborhood' for the title when this story almost have zero 'neighborhood' aspect?
Spiderman do have neighbours, yet he is acting as carry for the whole citizen of NYC. But he does through some process first; as to learn his power, training, mapping the city, making costume, invent tools, all the while he build his moral code.

Same goes for Dea. She may become a lusty threat to her surroundings, but in order to do so, she has to learn about herself first, so she will know what she want.
Kalau ngegame mending jangan game yang basicnya gacha kak, walaupun skrng game online kalau g gacha g jago, end up nya cuma bakalan nyesel
FFXIV ramah banget kok user experiencenya. Ga selalu P2W, tapi emang grindingnya bikin istighfar.

Lagi main Elden Ring juga, vibe frustasinya lebih-lebih dari pas main Dark Souls.
similar symptoms on every genshin player no?
udah well build tim2 meta nya?
nyok maen lg, kita saling support biar gak gatel gacha
meta tak perlu
husbando nomor 1
eh ada chara sumeru baru
dendro version of zhongli
ayo logiiin
dapet IF 10x dr lantern rite
So, how does it feel to have a different life from your RL? Kinda like having a lil secret. May look innocent but actually wild tho. Just like Dea.
Lagi sering dengerin lagunya siapa aja sekarang? Any interest in kpop, jpop, perthailandan atau mungkin yang lain? Probably bisa sebutin stan list kali ya haha
Wiseman once said, great writing comes from great reading. Would you mind to share your booklist, please? Which one inspired you the most in terms of writing?

I mean… the way you set up the plot, develop the characters, craft the twist… it’s insanely admirable. You must have learnt it somewhere, haven’t ya?
Ragnarok? Damn... I'm playing now haha... In Edda Rock Ragnarok Server wkwkwk.. 4th Job Dragon Knight and Arch Mage
Lagi sering dengerin lagunya siapa aja sekarang? Any interest in kpop, jpop, perthailandan atau mungkin yang lain? Probably bisa sebutin stan list kali ya haha
I'm not into Kpop, tapi suka lagu-lagunya TxT, Seventeen, NCT, Twice dan Blackpink. Ga terlalu kenal Jpop, tapi suka sama lagu-lagu untuk opening dan ending anime. For daily basis, lagi suka dengerin album barunya Taylor Swift, akustikannya BMTH, dan album aransemen ulangnya Noah.
Wiseman once said, great writing comes from great reading. Would you mind to share your booklist, please? Which one inspired you the most in terms of writing?

I mean… the way you set up the plot, develop the characters, craft the twist… it’s insanely admirable. You must have learnt it somewhere, haven’t ya?
Ah... udah lama ga baca buku, karena waktunya habis buat kerja, ngurus kucing, dan ngegame. Lanjutin cerita ini tuh ada di prioritas keempat, kalau tiga diatas udah dikerjain, hahahaha. Tapi pernah ada masanya PS dan PC ai rusak, mau benerin ga punya duit, jadi daripada bengong ai pinjem aja buku ke temen-temen. Pernah baca serial Supernova-nya Dee, dari KPBJ sampai Inteligensi Embun Pagi. Baca serialnya Jostein Gaarder yang Misteri Soliter dan Dunia Sophie, terus karena nagih jadinya belain pake uang sendiri buat baca serial lanjutannya. Suka baca tema fantasi juga, kayak TLOTR, Percy Jackson, di karya lokal ada Vandaria Saga. Ga banyak sih bacaannya, karena kebanyakan minjem buku, gitu. Semoga menjawab pertanyaan you, yah!
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