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Terakhir diubah:

So baby, tell me where your love lies
Waste the day and spend the night
Underneath the sunrise
Show me where your love lies

'Cause, darling, I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream

So it's gonna be forever
Or it's gonna go down in flames
You can tell me when it's over
If the high was worth the pain
Terakhir diubah:

I think he did it but I just can't prove it 😏

Pernah kutawarkan isi kulkasku ...
Terakhir diubah:
Udah beberapa hari ini dengerin ini lagu yg dibawakan oleh salah satu kontestan ajang pencarian bakat.
Menurutku lebih mendalam skali dia menjiwai lagu ini. Cuuukkk,, gak sadar air matapun berderai:((

Semoga terhibur suhu2:)

We were born for one thing
Born to face the greatest fear of all

You're callin' me now, but I can't pick up
Your shadow's still close, and I'm still in love
The summer's over now
But somehow it still breaks my heart

We could have had this talk
Jav Toys
Gaple Online Indonesia
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