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Top 15 Most Inspiring Harvey Specter Quotes
  1. “When you are backed against the wall, break the goddamn thing down.” – Harvey Specter
  2. “I don’t play the odds I play the man.”” – Harvey Specter
  3. “You always have a choice.” – Harvey Specter
  4. “They think you care, they’ll walk all over you.” – Harvey Specter
  5. “Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.” – Harvey Specter
  6. “Anyone can do my job, but no one can be me.” – Harvey Specter
  7. “I don’t have dreams, I have goals.” – Harvey Specter
  8. “I believe in work, I don’t fuck with luck.” – Harvey Specter
  9. “It’s going to happen, because I am going to make it happen.” – Harvey Specter
  10. “Ever loved someone so much, you would do anything for them? Yeah, well make that someone yourself and do whatever the hell you want.” – Harvey Specter
  11. “It’s not bragging if it’s true.” – Harvey Specter
  12. “Win a no win situation by rewriting the rules.” – Harvey Specter
  13. “Let them hate, just make sure they spell your name right.” – Harvey Specter
"Watch your language, young man! Cheese is not to be invoked in vain in this house!!"

-Richard Watterson-
"Kecantikan adalah surga bagi mata
tapi neraka buat jiwa"

(Bapaknya Massimo, 365 dni)​
The past is like a black hole. If you get too close it might pull you in and you’ll disappear

-the girl in the spider's web -
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"Just keep swimming" - Finding Nemo, 2003
"Why so serious?" - The Dark Knight, 2008
"We create our own demon" - Tony Stark (Iron Man 3)

"Being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble." - King Mufasa (The Lion King)

"See you're thinking. Don't. 'Cause Sergeant, you can't control who gets hit or who doesn't or who falls out of a chopper or why. It ain't up to you. It's just war." - Hoot (Blackhawk Down)
You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

-Harvey Dent (The Dark Knight, 2008)
If it's gonna happen, it'll happen. It's not something you can control

When I enter an agreement with someome, terms on both sides have to be honored. If they're not and I allow that, I'm asking chaos to take control of my life

Nobody likes chaos

Parker (Jason Statham) : Parker 2013​

J Lo is gorgeous in this movie
Dr film apa ini hu ? 😅🤣
preman in love klo ga salh lupa film dh lama wkk
Ya, itu preman in love..
Tapi kata yang benar tu "burung pak lurah hilang"
Udah bolak balik nonton itu... Sebenernya quote yang bagus itu yang di depan kamar mandi rumahnya pak lurah :ngacir
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