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Uneg Uneg Lo Hari Ini

Thread ini sudah dikunci moderator, dan tidak bisa dibalas lagi.
Capek hati . . . . .
Capek pikiran . . . .
Capek tenaga . . . .
Capek badan . . . .
Tapi akan berusaha tetap tersenyum . . . .
Kangen bandung
But when you call me baby,I know I'm not the only one..

Derita cinta
Ga mau, ga mau, ga mauuu...
Pingin cuma buat akuuu...

Ga maaaauuuuuuuuuu... Hiikksss... :mati:
Perasaan udah makan, tapi kok dipake mikir keras lagi jadi laper... Perlu makan lagi kayaknya...
Selesai celeng pasti berat badan naik..
Lama gak mampir..... Kanggeennn.....
We've waited far to long to, watch it all crash and fall through,
So when you feel like shit you've gotta keep on pushin,
If you saw the world through my eyes, then you wouldn't feel so high rise,
Its time to take a chance you've gotta sit back and hold tight.
torn apart at the seams and my dreams turn to tears
I’m not feeling this situation
run away, try to find that same place you can’t hide,
it’s the best place to be when you’re feeling like
Siang siang....... Laperrr..! Damn!
Terakhir diubah:
Oh... Yes...
Otakku diperkosa.
Lama banget gak buka ini id...

User di-banned, maka konten otomatis dihapus.
User is banned, content is deleted automatically.
How do I breathe
Without you here by my side?
How will I see
When your love brought me to the light?
Where do I go
When your heart's where I lay my head?
When you're not with me,
How do I breathe?

wish a does do wrong??
next do wrong, a does die seek.
ben she gear land awake is so she had.
or a die crew booty smooth land law ler. ben or a key cut.

( yen raiso inggis di woco coro jowo wae )
Huhhh... Ada yang nanya, gua sibuk ngapain.

Gua sibuk godain laki orang dan godain bujang2 berwajah PK.
BeTeeeee, ada yang mau ngobrol ga siihhh??? Hikkssss...
Thread ini sudah dikunci moderator, dan tidak bisa dibalas lagi.
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